#1569: The sixth Tiny Adventure podcast of 2020: Not quite the podcast I'd intended

Tea under the Big Oak

Technology, the weather and my energy haven’t been my friends as I recorded this podcast.

I had intended to start the podcast under the Big Oak (which I did) and then walk home with you down the hill after I’d sat for a while with my picnic breakfast.

I had a lovely walk home, stopping to pick blackberries along the way and chatting to you all the while, only to discover when I got home that the walk had only been recorded intermittently.

I thought I would head back up the hill another day this week and have another go at recording the second half of the podcast, but my energy hasn’t been up to it and the weather has been far less inviting than it was when I recorded the first half, so that didn’t happen.

In the end, I decided this morning to record my early morning trip out to say good morning to the chickens and my friend the visiting robin.

Not quite the podcast that I intended, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)

The photo’s that I took of the robin whilst I recorded part two of the podcast didn’t work out either, so here’s one I took a few days ago:

Robin, the visiting robin

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