I recorded this podcast almost two weeks again and have been very excited about sharing it with you, but because it was made in a different way to usual it has taken me quite a while to get it ready for you.
For a while now, I’ve been pondering the idea of making some analogue podcasts and as I explain at the beginning of this episode, that is what I have done here. Instead of recording on my phone and also using it for taking the photo to accompany the podcast, I have recorded the audio on a cassette tape and taken the photos with an instant film camera.
Come and join me for a Tiny Adventure within a Tiny Adventure as I pack my provisions and prepare to head up the hill to visit the Big Oak.
You can view all the photos that I took during the podcast below.
If you’d like to delve a little deeper, I talk more about the process and also share the podcast and photos in as an analogue way as I could think of over on Patreon in the this video (I’ve made the post public so you can watch whether you’re currently a patron or not).

One Thing Today is brought to you with the kind support of its patrons.
If you would like to support the ongoing recording of these podcasts then please visit my Patreon page, where you can find out how to receive podcast extras, twenty minute work sessions, vlog posts and even a personal podcast sent out just for you each month.
Your support would be very much appreciated <3