In which Michael forgets to put his coffee on to brew, talks about writing Morning Pages and how there is only so much creative energy to go around.
#179: Looking forward to the weekend
In which Michael podcasts from bed and talks about trying to build up a reserve of energy to help deal with life's unexpected challenges.
#178: A groggy podcast
In which Michael talks groggily about how he is wondering if his rhythms have a shape that stretches across more than one day.
#177: More experimenting with rhythms
In which Michael podcasts from bed and talks about how he experimented with the shape of his day yesterday.
#176: More thoughts on working with our own rhythms
In which Michael brews his morning coffee and thinks a little more about rhythms and how having some time alone has let his own rhythms take a more comfortable shape than normal.
#175: Other people's rhythms
In which Michael realises that his brewing coffee has become his podcast timer and talks a little about how other people's rhythms can encroach and influence our own.
#174: More wallowing in rest
In which Michael plans another day wallowing in rest after reading a blog post by Sustainably Creative member, Karen Coverett.
#173: Podcasting from bed
In which Michael podcasts from bed.
#172: Over doing things (again!)
In which Michael get the date wrong (again) and plans a restful day after overdoing things (again).
#171: Toast and Marmite
In which Michael records today's podcast form his car looking out over Cardigan Bay and plans to treat himself to toast and Marmite in his current favourite cafe.
#170: Resistance, bribery and treats
In which Michael brews his morning coffee and talks a little more about how he is making use of bribery and treats to get past his post holiday resistance to getting down to work.
#169: The first thing we choose to do
In which Michael is a little later recording today's podcast. He pours a cup of tea and talks about how he's been encouraged to change his first-thing-in-the-morning routine a little after reading this article by Seth Godin.
#168: Resistance and bribery
In which Michael admits to feeling more than a little resistance to getting on with his work, and talks about his current bribery technique.
#167: An aim for the year ahead
In which Michael brews his morning coffee and talks about his (scary!) aim for the year ahead.
#166: Triggers and stacks
In which Michael remembers to put water in his coffee pot and talks about the idea of using triggers and stacks to get creative work done.
#165: Back to work
In which Michael attempts to brew some coffee (but forgets the water) and talks about using gentle routines to get back into the swing of things after a holiday.
#164: en route
In which Michael mused about limits and priorities en route to his New Year's holiday.
In which Michael is delighted to be able to podcast in his Pyjamas and eat a slice of (chocolate!) Christmas cake for breakfast.
In this episode he talks about the importance of noticing what we've done and mentions a site called, which looks like a perfect tool to help with just that very thing.
#162: New Year's resolutions
In which Michael pours out his morning coffee and ponders the pros and con's of making New Year's resolutions.
#161: Podcasting from a noisy kitchen
In which Michael podcasts from his noisy kitchen and talks about enjoying the ease of resting over the festive period.